Convert your metal engine into a high performance ceramic machine!
Stop Metal on metal wear, Penetrate varnish and carbon in new or old machinery, with a hardened polished ceramic surface that with stands 350,000 psi and temperature’s over 2,400 F degrees.
Life span 200,000 miles. Once cured into the metal, it is inert nothing can stick, and acid cannot attack. Moving engine parts are now riding on a near diamond hard surface. Contaminates are removed with a simple oil filter change. Restore metal wear, free up ring packs, valve trains, and increase compression, oil pressure H.P/M.P.G reduce and eliminate harmful engine harmonics, stops blowby, oil consumption, emissions, reduce engine temperature, for use in 4-stroke, diesel, 2-cycle, turbo super charger Automatic, manual, differential, all A/C units, power steering, hydraulics, air tools, fire arms, marine and aircrafts.
Diamonds are made in nature using 4 step processed heat pressure carbon and time. Cerma using 99% pure silicon carbide and STM-3 works the same way. Your engine is the oven that creates the heat and pressure and uses the carbon from dirty oil to form a ceramic surface in the metal as you keep driving the 3,000 plus miles that is your burn in period. Tech support 239-344-9861